About the Local 4 Professional Network

FACT:  Much of the traffic driven to content marketing created by professionals goes to waste because the reader is not local to the professional who wrote the content.

SOLUTION: L4.net (The Local 4 Professionals Network) has invented a way for professionals within an industry to benefit not only from their own content marketing and writing, but also from nearly all the other professionals in the network.

HISTORY: After several  clients achieved significant rankings in Google for their content, it became clear to the founders of Didit (a marketing firm with roots in digital innovation) that the majority of those reading, enjoying and sharing the content weren’t local to the author of the content (our client).  This “wasted” traffic was an opportunity.

The final catalyst leading to the launch of L4 an article written by Didit Founder Kevin Lee’s wife Dr. Allison Kahner, went viral on StumbleUpon as well as ranking #1 in Google for “dating mistakes.” That article got less than 4 percent of its traffic from NY state, and even less from the NYC area. That huge batch of wasted traffic is valuable to other psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and other mental health practitioners…

So, we launched the “Therapy Today Network” of mental health professionals  show ads from non-competing professionals when out of area visitors read an article written by a professional who can’t take that client due to geography (practical or licensure issues).

TherapyToday.com) is the central hub for guest articles from Therapy Today Network members who can also recycle the non-local traffic to their own blogs with the L4 widget.  Additional industry categories are rolling out soon.